Robert Archambeau: Over Time

June 5 – August 6, 2013

Washed in stillness and beauty, this gathering of Robert Archambeau’s work from the past ten years speaks to an intensely lived life. Having celebrated his eightieth birthday in the spring of 2013, this unretired artist spends endless hours in his clay studios at the University of Manitoba or up-country in northern Bissett, Manitoba, followed by long stints back home making small gems on paper. It might be 3:00, 4:00, or 5:00 in the morning before he crawls under the covers for a truncated sleep. Driven by a passion to create, Mr. Archambeau’s daily life illustrates the New Mexican critic Gus Blaisdell’s proposition that “passion is a kind of suffering that few of us can bear.” Across time, this artist has refined his art by repeating the same forms thousands of times over, by firing and refiring until the surfaces satisfies him in new ways.

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Installation Images

Robert Archambeau, Platter #18, 2013.

1.5″ H x 10.5″ D, Ceramic.

Robert Archambeau, Bottle #27, 2013.

9″ H x 6.25″ D, Ceramic.

This activity is made possible by a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts. 

This project is supported in part by a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, which receives funding from the state legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.


Programming is supported in part by a grant from the City of Grand Forks through the North Valley Arts Council.