Paint Local II

January 25 – April 11, 2010

Paint Local II is the follow-up exhibition to Paint Local, an exhibition which featured the work of Pirjo Berg, Lori Esposito, Dyan Rey, Adam Kemp, Mike Marth and Zhimin Guan.

Paint Local II features three Red River Valley painters. Sarah Hultin is a recent graduate of Minnesota State University Moorhead. Her recent body of work is titled “Rural Inhabitants.” This body, according to Hultin, “reawakens memories prominent in abandoned homes on the prairie. The walls of the abandoned house conceal the past. Beyond the structures, which have proved impermanent, we cannot distinguish ourselves from those of our ancestors.”

“The subject of my work,” states Jessica Mongeon, “is a contrasting harmony and tension between humans and nature. My recent work is meant to invite the viewer to think about the natural world, and their place in it. I work with acrylic on canvas because acrylic paint allows me to work through concept and format ideas more quickly than oil. My work can be characterized by the use of broad brushstrokes and hues that are inspired by nature.”

Jay Pfeifer is a contractor and handy-man by trade. From his shop in Fargo, ND, Jay creates work with familiar materials of his trade. The glue, asphalt, wax, measuring tapes and nails become his paint. The discarded plywood, lumber and shingles find a place as his canvas.

Installation Images

Jessica Mongeon, Orbital Sky, 2010.
Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 48 Inches.

Sarah Hultin, Endless Chores, 2009.

Oil Paint, Lathe, & Plaster on panel, 48″ x 38″